Solving the data silo problem (while waiting on the digital transformation dream)
The dream of digital transformation, powering up all parts of the organization with digital technology, is alive and kicking — as a dream.
The harsh reality is that for it to achieve the vision of a well-oiled, well coordinated machine requires a well orchestrated and implemented digital technology platform.
Beyond the debate of best of breed vs best of all-in-one solutions, the nitty gritty of day to day operations must still be attended to while implementation projects are running.
An organization still needs to function and deliver results to its stakeholders, while the digital transformation mammoth project works its way through various milestones.
But how is John in Sales meant to report on his quarterly data when some of the data is on Excel, some in a legacy CRM, and the rest sitting in a different legacy ERP?
It’s a problem. A data silo problem presenting as a digital transformation issue.
Digital transformation takes time in organizations with large legacy applications
Deploying a large scale digital business platform takes meticulous planning and even more meticulous execution. And this takes time, especially where large back office systems have been reigning supreme for years. What was state-of-the-art just a few years ago, promising an all-in-one seamless experience, is now a giant silo holding data hostage.
Meanwhile, employees are making do with their own mini-apps or creating macros on their office productivity suites to meet their own needs.
Newly deployed applications have limited effectiveness before data migration projects are complete
While key applications are ready and deployed to production level, fact is that until at least some historical data is populated, they are limited in their usefulness. This especially true of applications wrapped around key data that needs to be surfaced in analytics and decision-driving dashboards.
Microservices act as the flexible glue that makes new apps talk to legacy data silos during the transition
Smart organizations have deployed part of their apps teams to create and deploy microservices that encapsulate specific business capabilities that abstract and transcend the data layer. The attraction to microservices is that they embody the true separation of concerns, making them a go-to in transition periods.
Coupled with clean and fast user interfaces that adapt seamlessly to screen sizes, microservices could lead the way to a smoother transition that flattens the data migration curve.
Globatech has participated in a number of initiatives and projects to provide solutions to data silo and mobility issues, so that the workforce can collaborate and engage across data and functional silos — working right alongside digital transformation teams to accelerate their efforts.
Click here to learn more about ROPE+ a light-weight connector solution that can be deployed in days and weeks, rather than months and years.
Check out the data sheet here.